Thursday 3 October 2013

We’re now three days into a shutdown of the federal government. Real Americans are being hurt, and our economy is paying the price. Reports have come out detailing how hundreds of thousands of people don’t know when their next paycheck will come. Millions of Americans, including veterans and seniors, are at risk of losing the benefits they’ve paid for, earned, and rely on.
For all that, we’re exactly where we were Monday night: If Speaker Boehner dropped his demands to sabotage Obamacare and instead put a routine budget funding the government to a simple yes-or-no vote, it would pass -- just as it did in the Senate. In fact, since the shutdown began, enough House Republicans now publicly say they’ll support a bill like this that we know it would get a bipartisan majority.
We don’t need to wait another day: it’s time for the House to just vote -- without further delay.

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